Ampersand Bay Resort | Ryan and Matt Wedding

Ryan and Matt were friends first, and over time they became more than friends. A long story of being together and having fun to being apart and hating every minute, to returning to each other and well, as they say - the rest is history. They were both nervous, in their own little ways, Ryan the soft, quiet and methodical was excited, only slightly nervous and doing everything that he was doing as planned for the day. Matt, the whirlwind, ready to have some fun and just couldn’t stop laughing and giggling until the very moment we had to take him to the first look. The moment of the first look was indescriable.

Sure, I’m a little bias because I’m also in a relationship that slightly mirrors this, but in that moment when they saw each other for the first time that day, it was as if all the ice had melted, the world had faded away, and warm comfort emitted from their beings. THEN THE REAL FUN BEGAN when the party came into play, and BOY were they ready to PARTY.

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